Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Prompt Tuesday #49

Every Tuesday I post a writing prompt and my response. It gives me a chance to exercise my writing muscles outside of my WIP, and hopefully inspire you to write. So enjoy my flash fiction piece and post your own in the comments!


Source: Writing.com

"'I Like you crazy,' he said."


"I like you crazy," he said, flashing that smirk he called a smile at her. "You're more fun this way."

Sera pressed her teeth down on her tongue pressed her palms into her sides. "I am not crazy."

Jed laughed. Sera fixed her gaze on the blank grey wall in front of her. She tried hard not to count the number of items within an arms reach that she could use as a weapon. Focus.

Slowly, the sound of Jed's laughed died down. Sera hazard a glance in his direction. When their eyes met he took a step backwards.

"Sorry," he said in a soft voice. One of his hands twitched towards his blaster.

Her vision flashed red then black, then red again and cleared. She stood with the broken leg of a metal chair in her hand. She had the jagged edge pressed up against Jed's neck as she held him against the wall with her free arm.

Sera shook her head, trying to banish the pulsing that pounded through hit.

"Sera," Jed pleaded.

She looked up into his eyes and for the first time she found them staring back at her - in fear. She took one step back. And then another, and another. Then she fled.

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