Friday, November 18, 2011


I have had one crazy week - but the good news is I survived. The even better news is that next week is only a three day work week with a four day weekend - thanks to the US Thanksgiving holiday. I love holidays.

So... lets just skip over my goals for today. Long story short - no progress.

Instead let's talk about Krista M who gave me a wonderful award on her blog.

And as such I get to pass it along. Yea! I love passing on awards :)

And the winners are....

  1. J.A. Beard at J.A. Beard's Unnecessary Musings
  2. Cristina at Once Upon a Time
  3. Donna at Weaving a Tale or Two
  4. Mindy at Writer, Writer, Pants on Fire
  5. Kathleen at Writing, Reading and Life



  1. Thanks so much! *hugs*

    But, hey. You didn't have to answer any questions about yourself? I'm going to have to go back and see what I had to do when I got this before.

  2. Congratulations! You deserve recognition for your hard work on this blog. It shows!


  3. Congrats to you and to those you are passing it along to!
