Friday, December 2, 2011

Here's The Scoop on My Goals

So I have noticed that even though my goals seem to change on me a lot - just having some defined goal somewhere helps me keep working forward on what I am doing.

My goals are changing again.

One significant goal that I hit recently was sending Shadowed Stones out to the first publisher. I have to wait 4-8 weeks for a response - so one of my new goals is to wait patiently to hear back from Shadow Mountain Publishing. I have added a status bar to the blog to help me count down the days :)

Now that Shadowed Stones is out there my creative self has finally be freed to work on my new WIP. It is amazing how putting my first submission packet for SS in the mail removed the blocks I was having with my WIP. I have one chapter done and started the second chapter and it feels great to be actively writing again. I added a status meter to track my progress. My rough estimate for word count goal is 75,000 words. And another of my new goals is to write 2 pages every week day.

My reading and critiquing goals are still pretty much the same. Last month I only read one book but it was a pretty long one. I should be back on track for December though.

With a lot of time of from my day job coming in this month - I hope to be able to get a good solid start on my WIP. I hope to be finished with the first draft in 6 months. I plan to go through about 3 or 4 drafts, but the later ones should go faster then the first. So I am hoping to be looking to query my WIP some time in the later part of 2013.

So that is how things are going in the goals front for me. What about you?

How are your goals going? If you did NaNo - how did it go?


  1. Yay for goals! And so in awe you had the courage to send off your submission. Crossing everything for you, and climbing the walls too as I wait for responses from agents, so you're not alone :)

    My goals involve critiquing more people's work. I've been told I give a good critique, and honestly it's made me a better writer, so I'd love to keep doing that. And I wrote three books this year, so I want to do at least that next year. :)

  2. Good goals. I know it's hard to be patient, but the waiting game is part of being a writer.

    I made the word goal for NaNo. I still need to finish the novel, though. I hope to have it done before Christmas. Then the next few months will be all about revising three different manuscripts.

  3. @Cassie Mae - Good look with querying. I hope you don't have to wait too long :)

    I like critiquing too - mostly because of what I learn. And because I like reading.

  4. @Christine Rains - Congrats for making the NaNo word goal. That is something that I could not do!

    Usually I am not real good at waiting. But I am trying to worry too much about it. The worst thing that could happen is I get rejected - which I naively think is not that bad :)

  5. Congrats on sending it off! I hope the waiting isn't too bad. My goals haven't even been made for this month. I think I'll get a fresh start with the new year. :)

  6. @Krista - That's a good plan :) So far waiting isn't too bad yet. But it hasn't even been a week yet.
