Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Mighty Pen #16

The Mighty Pen flash fiction contest is a just for fun writing contest (inspired by my wonderful husband). I post the beginning of a story – and you post an end! I will choose a winner and several honorable mentions. The contest is open until Sunday night and the winner is announce on Monday where I feature them on my blog. Check out past winners on the tab above.

Note: This is a family friendly blog – so please keep it PG rated. Thanks!

My good bloggerly friend CherylAnne Ham has a similar contest on her blog. So when you are done here, hope over and check out her Flashtastic contest.

The Beginning

A howl like none he had ever heard before pierced the night. Looking up from the flames of his camp fire he looked into the darkness beyond and saw...


  1. A howl like none he had ever heard before pierced the night. Looking up from the flames of his camp fire he looked into the darkness beyond and saw her standing there, about twenty feet away. He shivered, not wanting to leave the warmth of the fire, but it was his job.

    He walked over. She stared at him, all huge eyes and white skin.
    "It's okay Princess, I'm here. You mustn't wander off."
    "Sorry Daddy," she gulped. shoulders bobbing from the last of her sobs. She slid her tiny hand in his and they walked back to the camp.
